everwake is a game produced by playARK. playARK is an annual games festival based in Cardiff, Wales. Our aim is to create immersive gaming experiences that will challenge our perceptions of our everyday surroundings and to create experiences that eventually bring positive behavioural change through games.
everwake is produced by playARK and has been made possible through a great collaboration between thinkARK and Chapter and also through the support of UnLtd millennium Award scheme. The game itself has a number of collaborators who are listed below:
- Producers - Alison John, Kevin Moss, Julian Sykes
- Original concept created by - Alison John, Kevin Moss, Julian Sykes
- Game design - Alison John, Laura Sorvala, Julian Sykes
- Audio script written by Kit Lambert
- Director - Mathilde Lopez
- Sound design - Tom Raybould
- Online content - Alison John, Laura Sorvala, Julian Sykes